Why NOT Catherine? No there's a tough question to ask!

I picked Catherine to build a site on because I absolutely adore her. She is very talented (in many ways) and very beautiful. She is a greet role model, and I greatly idolize her.

I first saw Catherine in the "Titanic" miniseries, but I didn't really get into her until I saw "Mask of Zorro". I was like "Wow! She Rocks". I then (im)patiently waited for her next films to come out, renting her older films as I waited. If you want to see an AWESOME movie go rent "Return of the Native", if you can find it, if not head over to your fave video store and buy it, cuz Catherine is once again, beyond awesome in the film. ;o)

I love collectiogn Catherine stuff too, from her movies to magazines. I have loads of stuff, I even have pictures and articles from four different countries! (Mexico, Finland, Australia and of course America)

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